indyreads™ provides New South Wales Public Library members with free access to a large collection of eBook and eAudiobook titles. The collection includes Australian independent published content, a selection of quality self-published material, titles in languages other than English as well as reference, modern literary, classic fiction and non-fiction titles. You can borrow up to 20 items for 21 days, with unlimited reserves.
The indyreads app lets you read and listen to eBook and eAudio titles on your smartphone or tablet, place items on hold, make notes, place bookmarks and more.
To install indyreads on a smartphone or tablet, follow these steps:
Step 1: Download the indyreads app.

Step 2: Select Bathurst Library and sign in with your Library membership number and PIN (usually your membership number without the 01/).
Step 3: Borrow, download and enjoy!
You can also access indyreads via an internet browser on your computer or smart device. You can read or listen to books online, but if you want to download them for offline use or transfer them to an ereader device you will need to install Adobe Digital Editions.
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