Membership to Bathurst Library is free to all living, working or studying in the Bathurst LGA.
Non-residents may apply for reciprocal membership if appropriate, or temporary membership which is subject to a fee.
Applicants must provide current photo identification (ID) showing current address or two (2) other forms of ID (eg. driver's licence, rates notice, Health Care card, gas or electricity bill).
If you do not have ID with an address, you can apply for No Fixed Address membership. You’ll need to provide official ID with proof of your name (e.g. Medicare card).
Applications for Junior Membership (under 16 years) must be signed by a parent or guardian who accepts responsibility for items borrowed on the card.
Once you become a member, you will be able to borrow immediately.
Conditions of Membership
- To borrow items you must present your library membership card
- Most items may be borrowed for up to four weeks. Games may be borrowed for up to two weeks.
- You may borrow up to fifty items on your card.
- Items may be renewed twice. If a reservation has been placed on an item you have on loan a renewal is not permitted.
- Items may be returned to the Library. An after hour chute is available. Items left in the chute after hours are regarded as having been returned on the next open day.
- Membership is suspended if you have overdue items and outstanding charges.
- Overdue notices are a courtesy reminder for your convenience.
- You can reserve items that are on loan. You can place your own reservations for most items via the catalogue.
- All costs incurred by the Library due to items lost or damaged whilst in your care must be reimbursed.
- Inter-library loan and lost membership card charges are non-refundable.
- If you change your contact details please notify us immediately.
- Please report lost cards to the library immediately. You will be held responsible for any items borrowed before the loss is reported.
- Membership details are confidential and will not be disclosed to other parties.